Core Plot (iOS and tvOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
Go to the documentation of this file.
64 -(void)axisDidRelabel:(nonnull
CPTAxis *)axis;
112 -(void)axis:(nonnull
CPTAxis *)axis minorTickLabelWasSelected:(nonnull
CPTAxisLabel *)label;
313 -(void)addBackgroundLimitBand:(nullable
CPTLimitBand *)limitBand;
314 -(void)removeBackgroundLimitBand:(nullable
CPTLimitBand *)limitBand;
329 -(
NSNumber *)coordinateValue;
334 -(void)drawGridLinesInContext:(nonnull
CGContextRef)context isMajor:(
339 -(void)drawBackgroundBandsInContext:(nonnull
340 -(void)drawBackgroundLimitsInContext:(nonnull
void updateMajorTickLabels()
Update the major tick mark labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.m:1919
Immutable wrapper for various shadow drawing properties.
Definition: CPTShadow.h:3
CGFloat minorTickLength
The length of the minor tick marks.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:259
void relabel()
Updates the axis labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.m:1733
NSNumber * labelingOrigin
The origin used for axis labels. The default value is 0. It is only used when the axis labeling polic...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:203
CPTTextStyle * titleTextStyle
The text style used to draw the axis title text.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:213
Immutable wrapper for various line drawing properties. Create a CPTMutableLineStyle if you want to cu...
Definition: CPTLineStyle.h:20
CPTPlotSpace * plotSpace
The plot space for the axis.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:280
CPTShadow * labelShadow
The shadow applied to each axis label.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:243
CPTAxisTitle * axisTitle
The axis title. If nil, no title is drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:214
NSAttributedString * attributedTitle
A convenience property for setting the styled text title of the axis.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:217
@ CPTAxisLabelingPolicyNone
No labels provided; user sets labels and tick locations.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:25
CPTSign titleDirection
The offset direction for the axis title. The direction is given as the sign that ticks extend along t...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:219
CPTTextStyle * labelTextStyle
The text style used to draw the label text.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:233
Defines a range and fill used to highlight a band of data.
Definition: CPTLimitBand.h:17
An axis label.
Definition: CPTAxisLabel.h:19
@ CPTAxisLabelingPolicyEqualDivisions
Divide the plot range into equal parts.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:29
CPTLimitBandArray * backgroundLimitBands
An array of CPTLimitBand objects.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:275
CPTLineStyle * minorTickLineStyle
The line style for the minor tick marks. If nil, the minor ticks are not drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:260
CPTAxisLabelingPolicy labelingPolicy
The axis labeling policy.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:226
CPTSign tickLabelDirection
The offset direction for major tick labels. The direction is given as the sign that ticks extend alon...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:235
Label and constraint alignment constants.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:209
Defines an immutable range of plot data.
Definition: CPTPlotRange.h:27
CPTLineCap * axisLineCapMin
The line cap for the end of the axis line with the minimum value.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:207
void updateMinorTickLabels()
Update the minor tick mark labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.m:1938
CPTAxis abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:325
CPTPlotRange * visibleRange
The plot range over which the axis and ticks are visible. Use this to restrict an axis and its grid l...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:205
Defines the coordinate system of a plot.
Definition: CPTPlotSpace.h:178
CPTPlotArea * plotArea
The plot area that the axis belongs to.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:286
An axis title.
Definition: CPTAxisTitle.h:4
NSString * title
A convenience property for setting the text title of the axis.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:216
Immutable wrapper for various text style properties.
Definition: CPTTextStyle.h:18
@ CPTAxisLabelingPolicyAutomatic
Automatic labeling policy.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:28
CPTGridLines * minorGridLines
The layer that draws the minor grid lines.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:287
An abstract class that draws grid lines for an axis.
Definition: CPTGridLines.h:6
CPTSign minorTickLabelDirection
The offset direction for minor tick labels. The direction is given as the sign that ticks extend alon...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:236
CGFloat titleOffset
The offset distance between the axis title and the axis line.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:215
Layer delegate.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:76
CGFloat labelOffset
The offset distance between the tick marks and labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:227
CPTShadow * minorTickLabelShadow
The shadow applied to each minor tick axis label.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:244
@ CPTAxisLabelingPolicyLocationsProvided
User sets tick locations; axis makes labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:26
CPTTextStyle * minorTickLabelTextStyle
The text style used to draw the label text of minor tick labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:234
CGFloat minorTickLabelRotation
The rotation of the axis minor tick labels in radians. Set this property to π/2 to have labels read u...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:230
NSMutableArray< __kindof CPTAxis * > CPTMutableAxisArray
A mutable array of axes.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:40
Enumeration of label positioning offset directions.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:185
CGFloat labelRotation
The rotation of the axis labels in radians. Set this property to π/2 to have labels read up the scree...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:229
CPTLineStyle * minorGridLineStyle
The line style for the minor grid lines. If nil, the minor grid lines are not drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:267
CPTPlotRange * gridLinesRange
The plot range over which the grid lines are visible. Note that this range applies to the orthogonal ...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:268
CGFloat minorTickLabelOffset
The offset distance between the minor tick marks and labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:228
CPTAxisLabelSet * minorTickAxisLabels
The set of minor tick axis labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:240
CPTLineStyle * majorGridLineStyle
The line style for the major grid lines. If nil, the major grid lines are not drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:266
NSNumber * majorIntervalLength
The distance between major tick marks expressed in data coordinates.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:249
NSNumber * alternatingBandAnchor
The starting location of the first band fill.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:274
End cap decorations for lines.
Definition: CPTLineCap.h:25
CPTAlignment labelAlignment
The alignment of the axis label with respect to the tick mark.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:231
Base class for all Core Animation layers in Core Plot.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:83
NSNumber * defaultTitleLocation
The position along the axis where the axis title should be centered if titleLocation is NaN.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:221
Enumeration of labeling policies.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:24
CPTNumberSet * minorTickLocations
A set of axis coordinates for all minor tick marks.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:261
void updateAxisTitle()
Update the axis title position.
Definition: CPTAxis.m:1965
CPTPlotRange * visibleAxisRange
The plot range over which the axis itself is visible. Use this to restrict an axis line to less than ...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:206
CGFloat majorTickLength
The length of the major tick marks.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:250
CPTLineCap * axisLineCapMax
The line cap for the end of the axis line with the maximum value.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:208
CPTAxisLabelSet * axisLabels
The set of axis labels.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:239
NSNumber * titleLocation
The position along the axis where the axis title should be centered. If NaN (the default),...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:220
CPTFillArray * alternatingBandFills
An array of two or more fills to be drawn between successive major tick marks.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:273
CPTPlotRangeArray * labelExclusionRanges
An array of CPTPlotRange objects. Any tick marks and labels falling inside any of the ranges in the a...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:242
Enumeration of axis coordinates.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:164
CPTCoordinate coordinate
The axis coordinate.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:202
void removeAllBackgroundLimitBands()
Remove all background limit bands.
Definition: CPTAxis.m:2041
BOOL needsRelabel
If YES, the axis needs to be relabeled before the layer content is drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:241
CPTAxisSet * axisSet
The axis set that the axis belongs to.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:289
NSFormatter * labelFormatter
The number formatter used to format the label text. If you need a non-numerical label,...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:237
A layer representing the actual plotting area of a graph.
Definition: CPTPlotArea.h:76
#define cpt_weak_property
A custom definition for automatic reference counting (ARC) weak properties that falls back to assign ...
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:32
CPTLineStyle * axisLineStyle
The line style for the axis line. If nil, the line is not drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:201
CPTSign tickDirection
The tick direction. The direction is given as the sign that ticks extend along the axis (e....
Definition: CPTAxis.h:204
BOOL separateLayers
Use separate layers for drawing grid lines?
Definition: CPTAxis.h:285
Axis labeling delegate.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:47
CPTGridLines * majorGridLines
The layer that draws the major grid lines.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:288
CGFloat titleRotation
The rotation angle of the axis title in radians. If NaN (the default), the title will be parallel to ...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:218
NSUInteger preferredNumberOfMajorTicks
The number of ticks that should be targeted when auto-generating positions. This property only applie...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:253
CPTNumberSet * majorTickLocations
A set of axis coordinates for all major tick marks.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:252
NSUInteger minorTicksPerInterval
The number of minor tick marks drawn in each major tick interval.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:258
@ CPTAxisLabelingPolicyFixedInterval
Fixed interval labeling policy.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:27
NSArray< __kindof CPTAxis * > CPTAxisArray
An array of axes.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:35
A container layer for the set of axes for a graph.
Definition: CPTAxisSet.h:7
CPTAlignment minorTickLabelAlignment
The alignment of the axis label with respect to the tick mark.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:232
CPTLineStyle * majorTickLineStyle
The line style for the major tick marks. If nil, the major ticks are not drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:251
NSFormatter * minorTickLabelFormatter
The number formatter used to format the label text of minor ticks. If you need a non-numerical label,...
Definition: CPTAxis.h:238
An abstract axis class.
Definition: CPTAxis.h:198
void setNeedsRelabel()
Marks the receiver as needing to update the labels before the content is next drawn.
Definition: CPTAxis.m:1725