Core Plot (iOS and tvOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
117 @property (nonatomic, readwrite,
copy, nullable) id<NSCopying, NSCoding, NSObject>
127 -(nonnull instancetype)initWithFrame:(
128 -(nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(nonnull
129 -(nonnull instancetype)
135 -(void)renderAsVectorInContext:(nonnull
136 -(void)recursivelyRenderInContext:(nonnull
137 -(void)layoutAndRenderInContext:(nonnull
143 -(void)applySublayerMaskToContext:(nonnull
CGContextRef)context forSublayer:(nonnull
CPTLayer *)sublayer withOffset:(
144 -(void)applyMaskToContext:(nonnull
150 -(void)sublayerMarginLeft:(nonnull
CGFloat *)left top:(nonnull
CGFloat *)top right:(nonnull
CGFloat *)right bottom:(nonnull
CGFloat *)bottom;
Immutable wrapper for various shadow drawing properties.
Definition: CPTShadow.h:3
NSSet< CPTLayer * > CPTLayerSet
A set of CPTLayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:39
The basis of all event processing in Core Plot.
Definition: CPTResponder.h:6
NSMutableArray< CALayer * > CPTMutableSublayerArray
A mutable array of CALayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:54
BOOL masksToBorder
If YES, a sublayer mask is applied to clip sublayer content to the inside of the border.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:108
NSArray< CPTLayer * > CPTLayerArray
An array of CPTLayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:29
NSMutableArray< CPTLayer * > CPTMutableLayerArray
A mutable array of CPTLayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:34
void setNeedsDisplayAllLayers()
Recursively marks this layer and all sublayers as needing to be redrawn.
Definition: CPTLayer.m:386
CPTLayerNotification __nonnull const CPTLayerBoundsDidChangeNotification
Notification sent by all layers when the layer bounds change.
Definition: CPTLayer.m:13
void logLayers()
Logs this layer and all of its sublayers.
Definition: CPTLayer.m:1117
CPTSublayerSet * sublayersExcludedFromAutomaticLayout
A set of sublayers that should be excluded from the automatic sublayer layout.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:122
CGPathRef innerBorderPath
A drawing path that encompasses the inner boundary of the layer border.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:110
CGPathRef outerBorderPath
A drawing path that encompasses the outer boundary of the layer border.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:109
NSMutableSet< CPTLayer * > CPTMutableLayerSet
A mutable set of CPTLayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:44
Layer delegate.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:76
nonnull NSData * dataForPDFRepresentationOfLayer()
Draws layer content and the content of all sublayers into a PDF document.
Definition: CPTLayer.m:504
void pixelAlign()
Align the receiver’s position with pixel boundaries.
Definition: CPTLayer.m:570
CGPathRef maskingPath
A drawing path that encompasses the layer content including any borders. Set to NULL when no masking ...
Definition: CPTLayer.h:111
CGFloat paddingBottom
Amount to inset the bottom of each sublayer.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:95
id< NSCopying, NSCoding, NSObject > identifier
An object used to identify the layer in collections.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:117
Base class for all Core Animation layers in Core Plot.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:83
CPTShadow * shadow
The shadow drawn under the layer content. If nil (the default), no shadow is drawn.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:102
CGPathRef sublayerMaskingPath
A drawing path that encompasses the layer content excluding any borders. Set to NULL when no masking ...
Definition: CPTLayer.h:112
CGFloat paddingRight
Amount to inset the right side of each sublayer.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:94
CGFloat paddingTop
Amount to inset the top of each sublayer.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:93
NSArray< CALayer * > CPTSublayerArray
An array of CALayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:49
CGSize shadowMargin
The maximum margin size needed to fully enclose the layer shadow.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:103
#define cpt_swift_struct
Marks a type definition to be imported into Swift as a structure.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:73
CGFloat contentsScale
The scale factor applied to the layer.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:100
#define cpt_weak_property
A custom definition for automatic reference counting (ARC) weak properties that falls back to assign ...
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:32
CPTGraph * graph
The graph for the layer.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:87
NSMutableSet< CALayer * > CPTMutableSublayerSet
A mutable set of CALayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:64
An abstract graph class.
Definition: CPTGraph.h:74
NSSet< CALayer * > CPTSublayerSet
A set of CALayer objects.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:59
CGFloat paddingLeft
Amount to inset the left side of each sublayer.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:92
BOOL useFastRendering
If YES, subclasses should optimize their drawing for speed over precision.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:101