Core Plot (iOS and tvOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
Go to the documentation of this file.
208 @property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) BOOL
215 @property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) CGFloat
222 +(nonnull instancetype)legendWithPlots:(nullable
CPTPlotArray *)newPlots;
223 +(nonnull instancetype)legendWithGraph:(nullable __kindof
CPTGraph *)graph;
228 -(nonnull instancetype)initWithPlots:(nullable
CPTPlotArray *)newPlots;
229 -(nonnull instancetype)initWithGraph:(nullable __kindof
CPTGraph *)graph;
238 -(void)addPlot:(nonnull
CPTPlot *)plot;
240 -(void)removePlot:(nonnull
CPTPlot *)plot;
241 -(void)removePlotWithIdentifier:(nullable
BOOL equalColumns
If YES each column of legend entries will have the same width, otherwise columns will be sized to bes...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:209
Immutable wrapper for various line drawing properties. Create a CPTMutableLineStyle if you want to cu...
Definition: CPTLineStyle.h:20
void setLayoutChanged()
Marks the receiver as needing to update the layout of its legend entries.
Definition: CPTLegend.m:793
Enumeration of legend layout options.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:39
CGFloat titleOffset
The distance between each swatch and its title, specified in device units. Default is 5....
Definition: CPTLegend.h:216
NSUInteger numberOfRows
The desired number of rows of legend entries. If zero (0) (the default), the number of rows will be a...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:206
CPTLineStyle * entryBorderLineStyle
The line style for the border drawn around each legend entry. If nil (the default),...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:194
CPTNumberArray * rowHeights
The desired height of each row of legend entries, including the swatch and title. Each element in thi...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:210
Immutable wrapper for various text style properties.
Definition: CPTTextStyle.h:18
CGFloat entryPaddingRight
Amount to inset the swatch and title from the right side of the legend entry.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:199
CPTFill * swatchFill
The background fill drawn behind each swatch. If nil (the default), no fill is drawn.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:192
CPTTextStyle * textStyle
The text style used to draw all legend entry titles.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:188
CGFloat entryCornerRadius
The corner radius for the border around each legend entry. Default is 0.0.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:195
CPTLegendNotification __nonnull const CPTLegendNeedsReloadEntriesForPlotNotification
Notification sent by plots to tell the legend it should reload all legend entries.
Definition: CPTLegend.m:25
Draws area fills.
Definition: CPTFill.h:18
@ CPTLegendSwatchLayoutRight
Lay out the swatch to the right side of the title.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:41
CGFloat entryPaddingTop
Amount to inset the swatch and title from the top of the legend entry.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:198
CPTFill * entryFill
The background fill drawn behind each legend entry. If nil (the default), no fill is drawn.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:196
Layer delegate.
Definition: CPTLayer.h:76
CGFloat swatchCornerRadius
The corner radius for each swatch. Default is 0.0.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:191
CPTNumberArray * rowHeightsThatFit
The computed best-fit height of each row of legend entries, including the swatch and title....
Definition: CPTLegend.h:211
CPTLegendNotification __nonnull const CPTLegendNeedsRedrawForPlotNotification
Notification sent by plots to tell the legend it should redraw itself.
Definition: CPTLegend.m:23
@ CPTLegendSwatchLayoutTop
Lay out the swatch above the title.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:42
CGSize swatchSize
The size of the graphical swatch. If swatchSize is (0.0, 0.0), swatches will be drawn using a square ...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:189
CGFloat entryPaddingLeft
Amount to inset the swatch and title from the left side of the legend entry.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:197
@ CPTLegendSwatchLayoutBottom
Lay out the swatch below the title.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:43
A graph legend.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:185
CPTLineStyle * swatchBorderLineStyle
The line style for the border drawn around each swatch. If nil (the default), no border is drawn.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:190
NSUInteger numberOfColumns
The desired number of columns of legend entries. If zero (0) (the default), the number of columns wil...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:207
An abstract plot class.
Definition: CPTPlot.h:258
A layer with a border line and background fill.
Definition: CPTBorderedLayer.h:7
#define cpt_swift_struct
Marks a type definition to be imported into Swift as a structure.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:73
@ CPTLegendSwatchLayoutLeft
Lay out the swatch to the left side of the title.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:40
CGFloat columnMargin
The margin between columns, specified in device units. Default is 10.0.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:214
BOOL equalRows
If YES (the default) each row of legend entries will have the same height, otherwise rows will be siz...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:208
BOOL layoutChanged
If YES, the legend layout needs to recalculated.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:205
CPTLegendNotification __nonnull const CPTLegendNeedsLayoutForPlotNotification
Notification sent by plots to tell the legend it should update its layout and redraw itself.
Definition: CPTLegend.m:24
CGFloat rowMargin
The margin between rows, specified in device units. Default is 5.0.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:215
CPTLegendSwatchLayout swatchLayout
Where to draw the legend swatch relative to the title. Default is CPTLegendSwatchLayoutLeft.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:217
CPTNumberArray * columnWidths
The desired width of each column of legend entries, including the swatch, title, and title offset....
Definition: CPTLegend.h:212
CGFloat entryPaddingBottom
Amount to inset the swatch and title from the bottom of the legend entry.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:200
CPTNumberArray * columnWidthsThatFit
The computed best-fit width of each column of legend entries, including the swatch,...
Definition: CPTLegend.h:213
nonnull CPTPlotArray * allPlots()
All plots associated with the legend.
Definition: CPTLegend.m:981
An abstract graph class.
Definition: CPTGraph.h:74
Legend delegate.
Definition: CPTLegend.h:51