Core Plot (iOS and tvOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
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5 #pragma clang assume_nonnull begin
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CPTEdgeInsets CPTEdgeInsetsMake(CGFloat top, CGFloat left, CGFloat bottom, CGFloat right)
Returns a CPTEdgeInsets struct with the given insets.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1086
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromString(NSString *__nonnull stringRepresentation)
Parses a string and extracts the numeric value as an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:578
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromUnsignedChar(uint8_t i)
Converts an unsigned 8-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:386
BOOL CPTDecimalGreaterThanOrEqualTo(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Checks to see if one NSDecimal is greater than or equal to another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:685
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromUnsignedInt(unsigned int i)
Converts an unsigned int value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:478
BOOL CPTDecimalGreaterThan(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Checks to see if one NSDecimal is greater than another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:674
Immutable wrapper for various line drawing properties. Create a CPTMutableLineStyle if you want to cu...
Definition: CPTLineStyle.h:20
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromUnsignedInteger(NSUInteger i)
Converts an NSUInteger value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:501
uint8_t CPTDecimalUnsignedCharValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an unsigned 8-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:111
int32_t CPTDecimalLongValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to a 32-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:41
uint64_t CPTDecimalUnsignedLongLongValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an unsigned 64-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:151
CGRect(* CPTAlignRectFunction)(__nonnull CGContextRef, CGRect)
A function called to align a rectangle in a CGContext.
Definition: CPTUtilities.h:118
NSInteger CPTDecimalIntegerValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an NSInteger.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:91
NSDecimal CPTDecimalNaN(void)
Creates and returns an NSDecimal struct that represents the value “not a number” (NaN).
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:733
BOOL CPTEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(CPTEdgeInsets insets1, CPTEdgeInsets insets2)
Compares two CPTEdgeInsets structstructs.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1103
BOOL CPTDecimalLessThanOrEqualTo(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Checks to see if one NSDecimal is less than or equal to another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:707
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromShort(int16_t anInt)
Converts a 16-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:271
CGPoint CPTAlignPointToUserSpace(__nonnull CGContextRef context, CGPoint point)
Aligns a point in user space to integral coordinates in device space.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:883
NSString *__nonnull CPTStringFromPoint(CGPoint point)
Creates a string representation of the given point.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1027
BOOL CPTDecimalLessThan(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Checks to see if one NSDecimal is less than another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:696
NSDecimal CPTDecimalAbs(NSDecimal value)
Determines the absolute value of an NSDecimal value.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:787
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromUnsignedShort(uint16_t i)
Converts an unsigned 16-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:409
double CPTDecimalDoubleValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to a double.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:211
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromUnsignedLongLong(uint64_t i)
Converts an unsigned 64-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:455
CGSize CPTAlignSizeToUserSpace(__nonnull CGContextRef context, CGSize size)
Adjusts a size in user space to integral dimensions in device space.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:907
RGBA color for gradients.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:174
NSString *__nonnull CPTDecimalStringValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an NSString.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:235
int8_t CPTDecimalCharValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an 8-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:21
int CPTDecimalIntValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an int.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:81
CPTRGBAColor CPTRGBAColorFromCGColor(__nonnull CGColorRef color)
Extracts the color information from a CGColorRef and returns it as a CPTRGBAColor.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:829
CGRect CPTAlignIntegralRectToUserSpace(__nonnull CGContextRef context, CGRect rect)
Aligns a rectangle in user space between integral coordinates in device space.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:979
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromUnsignedLong(uint32_t i)
Converts an unsigned 32-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:432
double CPTInverseLogModulus(double value)
Computes the inverse log modulus of the given value.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1135
NSDecimal CPTDecimalAdd(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Adds two NSDecimal structs together.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:604
float CPTDecimalFloatValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to a float.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:201
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromLongLong(int64_t anInt)
Converts a 64-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:317
NSDecimal CPTDecimalMultiply(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Multiplies two NSDecimal structs together.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:632
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromCGFloat(CGFloat aCGFloat)
Converts a CGFloat value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:560
CGFloat squareOfDistanceBetweenPoints(CGPoint point1, CGPoint point2)
Computes the square of the distance between two points.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1067
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromChar(int8_t anInt)
Converts an 8-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:248
BOOL CPTDecimalEquals(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Checks to see if one NSDecimal is equal to another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:718
NSDecimal CPTDecimalDivide(NSDecimal numerator, NSDecimal denominator)
Divides one NSDecimal by another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:646
NSUInteger CPTDecimalUnsignedIntegerValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an NSUInteger.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:181
NSDecimal CPTDecimalMin(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Determines the smaller of two NSDecimal values.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:744
CGPoint(* CPTAlignPointFunction)(__nonnull CGContextRef, CGPoint)
A function called to align a point in a CGContext.
Definition: CPTUtilities.h:113
uint16_t CPTDecimalUnsignedShortValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an unsigned 16-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:121
int16_t CPTDecimalShortValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to a 16-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:31
Enumeration of axis coordinates.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:164
CGFloat CPTDecimalCGFloatValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to a CGFloat.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:221
NSRange CPTExpandedRange(NSRange range, NSInteger expandBy)
Expands an NSRange by the given amount.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:809
int64_t CPTDecimalLongLongValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to a 64-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:61
CGRect CPTAlignRectToUserSpace(__nonnull CGContextRef context, CGRect rect)
Aligns a rectangle in user space to integral coordinates in device space.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:931
double CPTLogModulus(double value)
Computes the log modulus of the given value.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1119
uint32_t CPTDecimalUnsignedLongValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:131
NSString *__nonnull CPTStringFromRect(CGRect rect)
Creates a string representation of the given rectangle.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1045
CGRect CPTAlignBorderedRectToUserSpace(__nonnull CGContextRef context, CGRect rect, CPTLineStyle *__nonnull borderLineStyle)
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:994
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromLong(int32_t anInt)
Converts a 32-bit integer value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:294
unsigned int CPTDecimalUnsignedIntValue(NSDecimal decimalNumber)
Converts an NSDecimal value to an unsigned int.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:171
NSString *__nonnull CPTStringFromVector(CGVector vector)
Creates a string representation of the given vector.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1054
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromInt(int i)
Converts an int value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:340
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromInteger(NSInteger i)
Converts an NSInteger value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:363
CGPoint CPTAlignIntegralPointToUserSpace(__nonnull CGContextRef context, CGPoint point)
Aligns a point in user space between integral coordinates in device space.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:959
NSDecimal CPTDecimalMax(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Determines the larger of two NSDecimal values.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:766
NSString *__nonnull CPTStringFromSize(CGSize size)
Creates a string representation of the given size.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:1036
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromDouble(double aDouble)
Converts a double value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:542
CPTCoordinate CPTOrthogonalCoordinate(CPTCoordinate coord)
Determines the CPTCoordinate that is orthogonal to the one provided.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:865
NSDecimal CPTDecimalFromFloat(float aFloat)
Converts a float value to an NSDecimal.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:524
Edge inset distances for stretchable images.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:221
NSDecimal CPTDecimalSubtract(NSDecimal leftOperand, NSDecimal rightOperand)
Subtracts one NSDecimal from another.
Definition: CPTUtilities.m:618