Core Plot (iOS and tvOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
CPTAnimationCurve momentumAnimationCurve
The animation curve used to stop the motion of the plot ranges when scrolling with momentum....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:19
CGFloat bounceAcceleration
Bounce-back acceleration in pixels/second^2 when scrolled past the global range. Defaults to 3000....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:22
BOOL allowsMomentumY
If YES, plot space scrolling in the y-direction slows down gradually rather than stopping abruptly....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:18
CPTScaleType xScaleType
The scale type of the x coordinate. Defaults to CPTScaleTypeLinear.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:13
Defines an immutable range of plot data.
Definition: CPTPlotRange.h:27
CPTScaleType yScaleType
The scale type of the y coordinate. Defaults to CPTScaleTypeLinear.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:14
Enumeration of animation curves.
Definition: CPTAnimation.h:9
CPTAnimationCurve bounceAnimationCurve
The animation curve used to return the plot range back to the global range after scrolling....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:20
Defines the coordinate system of a plot.
Definition: CPTPlotSpace.h:178
CGFloat momentumAcceleration
Deceleration in pixels/second^2 for momentum scrolling. Defaults to 2000.0.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:21
CGFloat minimumDisplacementToDrag
The minimum distance the interaction point must move before the event is considered a drag....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:23
CPTPlotRange * xRange
The range of the x coordinate. Defaults to a range with location zero (0) and a length of one (1).
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:9
CPTPlotRange * globalXRange
The global range of the x coordinate to which the xRange is constrained.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:11
BOOL allowsMomentum
If YES, plot space scrolling in any direction slows down gradually rather than stopping abruptly....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:16
CPTPlotRange * globalYRange
The global range of the y coordinate to which the yRange is constrained.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:12
BOOL allowsMomentumX
If YES, plot space scrolling in the x-direction slows down gradually rather than stopping abruptly....
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:17
CPTPlotRange * yRange
The range of the y coordinate. Defaults to a range with location zero (0) and a length of one (1).
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:10
Animation delegate.
Definition: CPTAnimation.h:54
Enumeration of axis scale types.
Definition: CPTDefinitions.h:152
A plot space using a two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.h:7
void cancelAnimations()
Reset the dragging state and cancel any active animations.
Definition: CPTXYPlotSpace.m:1873