Core Plot (macOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
CPTBarPlot Class Reference

A two-dimensional bar plot. More...

#import <CPTBarPlot.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CPTBarPlot:
+ Collaboration diagram for CPTBarPlot:

Public Class Methods

Factory Methods
(nonnull instancetype) + tubularBarPlotWithColor:horizontalBars:
 Creates and returns a new CPTBarPlot instance initialized with a bar fill consisting of a linear gradient between black and the given color. More...
- Public Class Methods inherited from CPTPlot
(nonnull id+ nilData
 A unique marker object used in collections to indicate that the datasource returned nil. More...
- Public Class Methods inherited from CALayer
(id+ layer
- Public Class Methods inherited from NSObject
(id+ alloc
(Class+ class
(void) + initialize
(void) + load
(id+ new
- Public Class Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) + exposeBinding:
- Public Class Methods inherited from <NSSecureCoding>
(BOOL+ supportsSecureCoding:

Public Instance Methods

Data Ranges
(nullable CPTPlotRange *) - plotRangeEnclosingBars
 Computes a plot range that completely encloses all of the bars. More...
Bar Style
(void) - reloadBarFills
 Reload all bar fills from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadBarFillsInIndexRange:
 Reload bar fills in the given index range from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadBarLineStyles
 Reload all bar line styles from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadBarLineStylesInIndexRange:
 Reload bar line styles in the given index range from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadBarWidths
 Reload all bar widths from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadBarWidthsInIndexRange:
 Reload bar widths in the given index range from the data source immediately. More...
(nonnull instancetype) - initWithFrame: [implementation]
 Initializes a newly allocated CPTBarPlot object with the provided frame rectangle. More...
User Interaction
(BOOL- pointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint: [implementation]
 Informs the receiver that the user has pressed the mouse button. More...
(BOOL- pointingDeviceUpEvent:atPoint: [implementation]
 Informs the receiver that the user has released the mouse button. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from CPTPlot
(void) - reloadPlotDataInIndexRange: [implementation]
 Reload plot data in the given index range from the data source immediately. More...
(nullable NSString *) - titleForLegendEntryAtIndex: [implementation]
 The title text of a legend entry. More...
(nullable NSAttributedString *) - attributedTitleForLegendEntryAtIndex: [implementation]
 The styled title text of a legend entry. More...
(nonnull CPTNumberArray *) - fieldIdentifiersForCoordinate: [implementation]
 The field identifiers that correspond to a particular coordinate. More...
(CPTCoordinate- coordinateForFieldIdentifier: [implementation]
 The coordinate value that corresponds to a particular field identifier. More...
(void) - positionLabelAnnotation:forIndex: [implementation]
 Adjusts the position of the data label annotation for the plot point at the given index. More...
(NSUInteger- dataIndexFromInteractionPoint: [implementation]
 Determines the index of the data element that is under the given point. More...
(nullable CPTPlotRange *) - plotRangeForField:
 Determines the smallest plot range that fully encloses the data for a particular field. More...
(nullable CPTPlotRange *) - plotRangeForCoordinate:
 Determines the smallest plot range that fully encloses the data for a particular coordinate. More...
(nullable CPTPlotRange *) - plotRangeEnclosingField:
 Determines the smallest plot range that fully encloses the entire plot for a particular field. More...
(nullable CPTPlotRange *) - plotRangeEnclosingCoordinate:
 Determines the smallest plot range that fully encloses the entire plot for a particular coordinate. More...
(NSUInteger- dataIndexFromInteractionPoint:
(NSUInteger- numberOfFields
 Number of fields in a plot data record. More...
(nonnull CPTNumberArray *) - fieldIdentifiers
 Identifiers (enum values) identifying the fields. More...
(nonnull CPTNumberArray *) - fieldIdentifiersForCoordinate:
(CPTCoordinate- coordinateForFieldIdentifier:
(void) - setDataNeedsReloading
 Marks the receiver as needing the data source reloaded before the content is next drawn. More...
(void) - reloadData
 Reload all plot data, labels, and plot-specific information from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadDataIfNeeded
 Reload plot data from the data source only if the data cache is out of date. More...
(void) - reloadDataInIndexRange:
 Reload plot data, labels, and plot-specific information in the given index range from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - insertDataAtIndex:numberOfRecords:
 Insert records into the plot data cache at the given index. More...
(void) - deleteDataInIndexRange:
 Delete records in the given index range from the plot data cache. More...
(void) - reloadPlotData
 Reload all plot data from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadPlotDataInIndexRange:
(nullable CPTMutableNumericData *) - cachedNumbersForField:
 Retrieves an array of numbers from the cache. More...
(nullable NSNumber *) - cachedNumberForField:recordIndex:
 Retrieves a single number from the cache. More...
(double) - cachedDoubleForField:recordIndex:
 Retrieves a single number from the cache. More...
(NSDecimal- cachedDecimalForField:recordIndex:
 Retrieves a single number from the cache. More...
(nullable NSArray *) - cachedArrayForKey:
 Retrieves an array of values from the cache. More...
(nullable id- cachedValueForKey:recordIndex:
 Retrieves a single value from the cache. More...
(void) - cacheNumbers:forField:
 Copies an array of numbers to the cache. More...
(void) - cacheNumbers:forField:atRecordIndex:
 Copies an array of numbers to replace a part of the cache. More...
(void) - cacheArray:forKey:
 Copies an array of arbitrary values to the cache. More...
(void) - cacheArray:forKey:atRecordIndex:
 Copies an array of arbitrary values to replace a part of the cache. More...
(void) - setNeedsRelabel
 Marks the receiver as needing to update all data labels before the content is next drawn. More...
(void) - relabel
 Updates the data labels in the labelIndexRange. More...
(void) - relabelIndexRange:
 Marks the receiver as needing to update a range of data labels before the content is next drawn. More...
(void) - repositionAllLabelAnnotations
 Repositions all existing label annotations. More...
(void) - reloadDataLabels
 Reload all data labels from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - reloadDataLabelsInIndexRange:
 Reload data labels in the given index range from the data source immediately. More...
(void) - positionLabelAnnotation:forIndex:
(NSUInteger- numberOfLegendEntries
 The number of legend entries provided by this plot. More...
(nullable NSString *) - titleForLegendEntryAtIndex:
(nullable NSAttributedString *) - attributedTitleForLegendEntryAtIndex:
(void) - drawSwatchForLegend:atIndex:inRect:inContext:
 Draws the legend swatch of a legend entry. Subclasses should call super to draw the background fill and border. More...
(nullable id- numbersFromDataSourceForField:recordIndexRange:
 Gets a range of plot data for the given plot and field. More...
(BOOL- loadNumbersForAllFieldsFromDataSourceInRecordIndexRange:
 Gets a range of plot data for the given plot. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from CPTAnnotationHostLayer
(void) - addAnnotation:
 Adds an annotation to the receiver. More...
(void) - removeAnnotation:
 Removes an annotation from the receiver. More...
(void) - removeAllAnnotations
 Removes all annotations from the receiver. More...
(BOOL- pointingDeviceDraggedEvent:atPoint: [implementation]
 Informs the receiver that the user has moved the mouse with the button pressed. More...
(BOOL- pointingDeviceCancelledEvent: [implementation]
 Informs the receiver that tracking of mouse moves has been cancelled for any reason. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from CPTLayer
(nullable instancetype) - initWithCoder:
 Returns an object initialized from data in a given unarchiver. More...
(nonnull instancetype) - initWithLayer:
 Override to copy or initialize custom fields of the specified layer. More...
(nonnull instancetype) - init [implementation]
 Initializes a newly allocated CPTLayer object with an empty frame rectangle. More...
(void) - logLayers
 Logs this layer and all of its sublayers. More...
(BOOL- pointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint: [implementation]
(BOOL- pointingDeviceUpEvent:atPoint: [implementation]
(BOOL- pointingDeviceDraggedEvent:atPoint: [implementation]
(BOOL- pointingDeviceCancelledEvent: [implementation]
(BOOL- scrollWheelEvent:fromPoint:toPoint: [implementation]
(nonnull CPTNativeImage *) - imageOfLayer
 Gets an image of the layer contents. More...
(void) - setNeedsDisplayAllLayers
 Recursively marks this layer and all sublayers as needing to be redrawn. More...
(void) - renderAsVectorInContext:
 Draws layer content into the provided graphics context. More...
(void) - recursivelyRenderInContext:
 Draws layer content and the content of all sublayers into the provided graphics context. More...
(void) - layoutAndRenderInContext:
 Updates the layer layout if needed and then draws layer content and the content of all sublayers into the provided graphics context. More...
(nonnull NSData *) - dataForPDFRepresentationOfLayer
 Draws layer content and the content of all sublayers into a PDF document. More...
(void) - applySublayerMaskToContext:forSublayer:withOffset:
 Recursively sets the clipping path of the given graphics context to the sublayer masking paths of its superlayers. More...
(void) - applyMaskToContext:
 Sets the clipping path of the given graphics context to mask the content. More...
(void) - pixelAlign
 Align the receiver’s position with pixel boundaries. More...
(void) - sublayerMarginLeft:top:right:bottom:
 Returns the margins that should be left between the bounds of the receiver and all sublayers. More...
(void) - layoutSublayers [implementation]
 Updates the layout of all sublayers. Sublayers fill the super layer’s bounds minus any padding. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from CALayer
(BOOL- containsPoint:
(void) - drawInContext:
(id- init
(id- initWithLayer
(void) - layoutSublayers
(void) - setNeedsDisplay
(void) - setNeedsDisplayInRect:
(void) - setNeedsLayout
- Public Instance Methods inherited from NSObject
(Class- classForCoder
(id- copy
(void) - dealloc
(void) - finalize
(id- init
(id- mutableCopy
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(NSArray *) - exposedBindings
(Class- valueClassForBinding:
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(NSArray *) - optionDescriptionsForBinding:
(NSDictionary *) - infoForBinding:
(void) - unbind:
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSCoding>
(id- initWithCoder:
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <CPTResponder>
(BOOL- scrollWheelEvent:fromPoint:toPoint:
 (Required) Informs the receiver that the user has moved the scroll wheel. More...


BOOL barWidthsAreInViewCoordinates
 Whether the bar width and bar offset is in view coordinates, or in plot coordinates. Default is NO, meaning plot coordinates are used. More...
 The width of each bar. Either view or plot coordinates can be used. More...
 The starting offset of the first bar in location data units. More...
CGFloat barCornerRadius
 The corner radius for the end of the bars. Default is 0.0 for square corners. More...
CGFloat barBaseCornerRadius
 The corner radius for the end of the bars drawn at the base value. Default is 0.0 for square corners. More...
BOOL barsAreHorizontal
 If YES, the bars will have a horizontal orientation, otherwise they will be vertical. More...
 The coordinate value of the fixed end of the bars. This is only used if barBasesVary is NO. Otherwise, the data source will be queried for an appropriate value of CPTBarPlotFieldBarBase. More...
BOOL barBasesVary
 If NO, a constant base value is used for all bars. If YES, the data source is queried to supply a base value for each bar. More...
 Sets the plot range for the independent axis. More...
 The line style for the bar outline. If nil, the outline is not drawn. More...
 The fill style for the bars. If nil, the bars are not filled. More...
- Properties inherited from CPTPlot
id< CPTPlotDataSourcedataSource
 The data source for the plot. More...
 The title of the plot displayed in the legend. More...
 The styled title of the plot displayed in the legend. More...
 The plot space for the plot. More...
 The plot area for the plot. More...
BOOL alignsPointsToPixels
 If YES (the default), all plot points will be aligned to device pixels when drawing. More...
BOOL dataNeedsReloading
 If YES, the plot data will be reloaded from the data source before the layer content is drawn. More...
NSUInteger cachedDataCount
 The number of data points stored in the cache. More...
BOOL doublePrecisionCache
 If YES, the cache holds data of type double, otherwise it holds NSDecimal. More...
CPTPlotCachePrecision cachePrecision
 The numeric precision used to cache the plot data and perform all plot calculations. Defaults to CPTPlotCachePrecisionAuto. More...
CPTNumericDataType doubleDataType
 The CPTNumericDataType used to cache plot data as double. More...
CPTNumericDataType decimalDataType
 The CPTNumericDataType used to cache plot data as NSDecimal. More...
BOOL needsRelabel
 If YES, the plot needs to be relabeled before the layer content is drawn. More...
BOOL adjustLabelAnchors
 If YES, data labels anchor points are adjusted automatically when the labels are positioned. If NO, data labels anchor points do not change. More...
BOOL showLabels
 Set to NO to override all other label settings and hide the data labels. Defaults to YES. More...
CGFloat labelOffset
 The distance that labels should be offset from their anchor points. The direction of the offset is defined by subclasses. More...
CGFloat labelRotation
 The rotation of the data labels in radians. Set this property to π/2 to have labels read up the screen, for example. More...
NSUInteger labelField
 The plot field identifier of the data field used to generate automatic labels. More...
 The text style used to draw the data labels. Set this property to nil to hide the data labels. More...
 The number formatter used to format the data labels. Set this property to nil to hide the data labels. If you need a non-numerical label, such as a date, you can use a formatter than turns the numerical plot coordinate into a string (e.g., “Jan 10, 2010”). The CPTCalendarFormatter and CPTTimeFormatter classes are useful for this purpose. More...
 The shadow applied to each data label. More...
BOOL drawLegendSwatchDecoration
 If YES (the default), additional plot-specific decorations, symbols, and/or colors will be drawn on top of the legend swatch rectangle. More...
- Properties inherited from CPTAnnotationHostLayer
 An array of annotations attached to this layer. More...
- Properties inherited from CPTLayer
 The graph for the layer. More...
CGFloat paddingLeft
 Amount to inset the left side of each sublayer. More...
CGFloat paddingTop
 Amount to inset the top of each sublayer. More...
CGFloat paddingRight
 Amount to inset the right side of each sublayer. More...
CGFloat paddingBottom
 Amount to inset the bottom of each sublayer. More...
id< NSCopying, NSCoding, NSObjectidentifier
 An object used to identify the layer in collections. More...
CGFloat contentsScale
 The scale factor applied to the layer. More...
BOOL useFastRendering
 If YES, subclasses should optimize their drawing for speed over precision. More...
 The shadow drawn under the layer content. If nil (the default), no shadow is drawn. More...
CGSize shadowMargin
 The maximum margin size needed to fully enclose the layer shadow. More...
BOOL masksToBorder
 If YES, a sublayer mask is applied to clip sublayer content to the inside of the border. More...
CGPathRef outerBorderPath
 A drawing path that encompasses the outer boundary of the layer border. More...
CGPathRef innerBorderPath
 A drawing path that encompasses the inner boundary of the layer border. More...
CGPathRef maskingPath
 A drawing path that encompasses the layer content including any borders. Set to NULL when no masking is desired. More...
CGPathRef sublayerMaskingPath
 A drawing path that encompasses the layer content excluding any borders. Set to NULL when no masking is desired. More...
 A set of sublayers that should be excluded from the automatic sublayer layout. More...
- Properties inherited from CALayer
CGPoint anchorPoint
CGRect bounds
CGFloat contentsScale
CGFloat cornerRadius
id delegate
CGRect frame
BOOL masksToBounds
BOOL needsDisplayOnBoundsChange
BOOL opacity
BOOL opaque
- Properties inherited from <CAMediaTiming>
BOOL autoreverses
CFTimeInterval beginTime
CFTimeInterval duration
float repeatCount
id repeatDuration
float speed
CFTimeInterval timeOffset

Detailed Description

A two-dimensional bar plot.

See also
See Bar Plot for a list of animatable properties.
See Bar Plot Bindings for a list of supported binding identifiers.

Method Documentation

◆ initWithFrame:

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithFrame: (CGRect newFrame

Initializes a newly allocated CPTBarPlot object with the provided frame rectangle.

This is the designated initializer. The initialized layer will have the following properties:

newFrameThe frame rectangle.
The initialized CPTBarPlot object.

Reimplemented from CPTPlot.

◆ plotRangeEnclosingBars

- (nullable CPTPlotRange *) plotRangeEnclosingBars

Computes a plot range that completely encloses all of the bars.

For a horizontal bar plot, this range starts at the left edge of the first bar and continues to the right edge of the last bar. Similarly, this range starts at the bottom edge of the first bar and continues to the top edge of the last bar for vertical bar plots. The length will have the same sign as the corresponding plot range from the plot space.

A plot range that completely encloses all of the bars.

◆ pointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint:

- (BOOL) pointingDeviceDownEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event
atPoint: (CGPoint interactionPoint 

Informs the receiver that the user has pressed the mouse button.

If this plot has a delegate that responds to the -barPlot:barTouchDownAtRecordIndex: or -barPlot:barTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent: methods, the interactionPoint is compared with each bar in index order. The delegate method will be called and this method returns YES for the first index where the interactionPoint is inside a bar. This method returns NO if the interactionPoint is outside all of the bars.

eventThe OS event.
interactionPointThe coordinates of the interaction.
Whether the event was handled or not.

Reimplemented from CPTPlot.

◆ pointingDeviceUpEvent:atPoint:

- (BOOL) pointingDeviceUpEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event
atPoint: (CGPoint interactionPoint 

Informs the receiver that the user has released the mouse button.

If this plot has a delegate that responds to the -barPlot:barTouchUpAtRecordIndex: or -barPlot:barTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent: methods, the interactionPoint is compared with each bar in index order. The delegate method will be called and this method returns YES for the first index where the interactionPoint is inside a bar. This method returns NO if the interactionPoint is outside all of the bars.

If the bar being released is the same as the one that was pressed (see -pointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint: ), if the delegate responds to the -barPlot:barWasSelectedAtRecordIndex: and/or -barPlot:barWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent: methods, these will be called.

eventThe OS event.
interactionPointThe coordinates of the interaction.
Whether the event was handled or not.

Reimplemented from CPTPlot.

◆ reloadBarFills

- (void) reloadBarFills

Reload all bar fills from the data source immediately.

◆ reloadBarFillsInIndexRange:

- (void) reloadBarFillsInIndexRange: (NSRange indexRange

Reload bar fills in the given index range from the data source immediately.

indexRangeThe index range to load.

◆ reloadBarLineStyles

- (void) reloadBarLineStyles

Reload all bar line styles from the data source immediately.

◆ reloadBarLineStylesInIndexRange:

- (void) reloadBarLineStylesInIndexRange: (NSRange indexRange

Reload bar line styles in the given index range from the data source immediately.

indexRangeThe index range to load.

◆ reloadBarWidths

- (void) reloadBarWidths

Reload all bar widths from the data source immediately.

◆ reloadBarWidthsInIndexRange:

- (void) reloadBarWidthsInIndexRange: (NSRange indexRange

Reload bar widths in the given index range from the data source immediately.

indexRangeThe index range to load.

◆ tubularBarPlotWithColor:horizontalBars:

+ (nonnull instancetype) tubularBarPlotWithColor: (nonnull CPTColor *)  color
horizontalBars: (BOOL horizontal 

Creates and returns a new CPTBarPlot instance initialized with a bar fill consisting of a linear gradient between black and the given color.

colorThe beginning color.
horizontalIf YES, the bars will have a horizontal orientation, otherwise they will be vertical.
A new CPTBarPlot instance initialized with a linear gradient bar fill.

Property Documentation

◆ barBasesVary

- (BOOL) barBasesVary

If NO, a constant base value is used for all bars. If YES, the data source is queried to supply a base value for each bar.

See also

◆ barsAreHorizontal

- (BOOL) barsAreHorizontal

If YES, the bars will have a horizontal orientation, otherwise they will be vertical.

◆ barWidthsAreInViewCoordinates

- (BOOL) barWidthsAreInViewCoordinates

Whether the bar width and bar offset is in view coordinates, or in plot coordinates. Default is NO, meaning plot coordinates are used.

◆ fill

- (nullable CPTFill *) fill

The fill style for the bars. If nil, the bars are not filled.

◆ lineStyle

- (nullable CPTLineStyle *) lineStyle

The line style for the bar outline. If nil, the outline is not drawn.

◆ plotRange

- (nullable CPTPlotRange *) plotRange

Sets the plot range for the independent axis.

If a plot range is provided, the bars are spaced evenly throughout the plot range. If plotRange is nil, bar locations are provided by Cocoa bindings or the bar plot datasource. If locations are not provided by either bindings or the datasource, the first bar will be placed at zero (0) and subsequent bars will be at successive positive integer coordinates.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: