Core Plot (macOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
<CPTAxisDelegate> Protocol Reference

Axis labeling delegate. More...

#import <CPTAxis.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <CPTAxisDelegate>:
+ Collaboration diagram for <CPTAxisDelegate>:

Public Instance Methods

(BOOL- axisShouldRelabel:
 (Optional) Determines if the axis should relabel itself now. More...
(void) - axisDidRelabel:
 (Optional) The method is called after the axis is relabeled to allow the delegate to perform any necessary cleanup or further labeling actions. More...
(BOOL- axis:shouldUpdateAxisLabelsAtLocations:
 (Optional) This method gives the delegate a chance to create custom labels for each tick. It can be used with any labeling policy. Returning NO will cause the axis not to update the labels. It is then the delegate’s responsibility to do this. More...
(BOOL- axis:shouldUpdateMinorAxisLabelsAtLocations:
 (Optional) This method gives the delegate a chance to create custom labels for each minor tick. It can be used with any labeling policy. Returning NO will cause the axis not to update the labels. It is then the delegate’s responsibility to do this. More...
Label Selection
(void) - axis:labelWasSelected:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - axis:labelWasSelected:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - axis:minorTickLabelWasSelected:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - axis:minorTickLabelWasSelected:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - axis:labelTouchDown:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was pressed. More...
(void) - axis:labelTouchDown:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was pressed. More...
(void) - axis:labelTouchUp:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was released. More...
(void) - axis:labelTouchUp:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was released. More...
(void) - axis:minorTickTouchDown:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was pressed. More...
(void) - axis:minorTickTouchDown:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was pressed. More...
(void) - axis:minorTickTouchUp:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was released. More...
(void) - axis:minorTickTouchUp:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was released. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Detailed Description

Axis labeling delegate.

Method Documentation

◆ axis:labelTouchDown:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
labelTouchDown: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was pressed.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected axis label.

◆ axis:labelTouchDown:withEvent:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
labelTouchDown: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was pressed.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected axis label.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ axis:labelTouchUp:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
labelTouchUp: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected axis label.

◆ axis:labelTouchUp:withEvent:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
labelTouchUp: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected axis label.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ axis:labelWasSelected:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
labelWasSelected: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was both pressed and released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected axis label.

◆ axis:labelWasSelected:withEvent:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
labelWasSelected: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that an axis label was both pressed and released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected axis label.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ axis:minorTickLabelWasSelected:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
minorTickLabelWasSelected: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was both pressed and released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected minor tick axis label.

◆ axis:minorTickLabelWasSelected:withEvent:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
minorTickLabelWasSelected: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was both pressed and released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected minor tick axis label.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ axis:minorTickTouchDown:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
minorTickTouchDown: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was pressed.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected minor tick axis label.

◆ axis:minorTickTouchDown:withEvent:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
minorTickTouchDown: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was pressed.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected minor tick axis label.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ axis:minorTickTouchUp:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
minorTickTouchUp: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected minor tick axis label.

◆ axis:minorTickTouchUp:withEvent:

- (void) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
minorTickTouchUp: (nonnull CPTAxisLabel *)  label
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a minor tick axis label was released.

axisThe axis.
labelThe selected minor tick axis label.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ axis:shouldUpdateAxisLabelsAtLocations:

- (BOOL) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
shouldUpdateAxisLabelsAtLocations: (nonnull CPTNumberSet *)  locations 

(Optional) This method gives the delegate a chance to create custom labels for each tick. It can be used with any labeling policy. Returning NO will cause the axis not to update the labels. It is then the delegate’s responsibility to do this.

axisThe axis.
locationsThe locations of the major ticks.
YES if the axis class should proceed with automatic labeling.

◆ axis:shouldUpdateMinorAxisLabelsAtLocations:

- (BOOL) axis: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis
shouldUpdateMinorAxisLabelsAtLocations: (nonnull CPTNumberSet *)  locations 

(Optional) This method gives the delegate a chance to create custom labels for each minor tick. It can be used with any labeling policy. Returning NO will cause the axis not to update the labels. It is then the delegate’s responsibility to do this.

axisThe axis.
locationsThe locations of the minor ticks.
YES if the axis class should proceed with automatic labeling.

◆ axisDidRelabel:

- (void) axisDidRelabel: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis

(Optional) The method is called after the axis is relabeled to allow the delegate to perform any necessary cleanup or further labeling actions.

axisThe axis.

◆ axisShouldRelabel:

- (BOOL) axisShouldRelabel: (nonnull CPTAxis *)  axis

(Optional) Determines if the axis should relabel itself now.

axisThe axis.
YES if the axis should relabel now.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: