Core Plot (macOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
<CPTPlotSpaceDelegate> Protocol Reference

Plot space delegate. More...

#import <CPTPlotSpace.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <CPTPlotSpaceDelegate>:
+ Collaboration diagram for <CPTPlotSpaceDelegate>:

Public Instance Methods

(BOOL- plotSpace:shouldScaleBy:aboutPoint:
 (Optional) Informs the receiver that it should uniformly scale (e.g., in response to a pinch gesture). More...
(CGPoint- plotSpace:willDisplaceBy:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space is going to scroll. More...
Plot Range Changes
(nullable CPTPlotRange *) - plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo:forCoordinate:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space is going to change a plot range. More...
(void) - plotSpace:didChangePlotRangeForCoordinate:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space has changed a plot range. More...
User Interaction
(BOOL- plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device down event. More...
(BOOL- plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceDraggedEvent:atPoint:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device dragged event. More...
(BOOL- plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceCancelledEvent:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device cancelled event. More...
(BOOL- plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceUpEvent:atPoint:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device up event. More...
(BOOL- plotSpace:shouldHandleScrollWheelEvent:fromPoint:toPoint:
 (Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a scroll wheel event. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Detailed Description

Plot space delegate.

Method Documentation

◆ plotSpace:didChangePlotRangeForCoordinate:

- (void) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
didChangePlotRangeForCoordinate: (CPTCoordinate coordinate 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space has changed a plot range.

spaceThe plot space.
coordinateThe coordinate of the range.

◆ plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceCancelledEvent:

- (BOOL) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
shouldHandlePointingDeviceCancelledEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device cancelled event.

spaceThe plot space.
eventThe native event.
Whether the plot space should handle the event or not. In either case, the delegate may choose to take extra actions, or handle the event itself.

◆ plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceDownEvent:atPoint:

- (BOOL) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
shouldHandlePointingDeviceDownEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event
atPoint: (CGPoint point 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device down event.

spaceThe plot space.
eventThe native event.
pointThe point in the host view.
Whether the plot space should handle the event or not. In either case, the delegate may choose to take extra actions, or handle the event itself.

◆ plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceDraggedEvent:atPoint:

- (BOOL) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
shouldHandlePointingDeviceDraggedEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event
atPoint: (CGPoint point 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device dragged event.

spaceThe plot space.
eventThe native event.
pointThe point in the host view.
Whether the plot space should handle the event or not. In either case, the delegate may choose to take extra actions, or handle the event itself.

◆ plotSpace:shouldHandlePointingDeviceUpEvent:atPoint:

- (BOOL) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
shouldHandlePointingDeviceUpEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event
atPoint: (CGPoint point 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a device up event.

spaceThe plot space.
eventThe native event.
pointThe point in the host view.
Whether the plot space should handle the event or not. In either case, the delegate may choose to take extra actions, or handle the event itself.

◆ plotSpace:shouldHandleScrollWheelEvent:fromPoint:toPoint:

- (BOOL) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
shouldHandleScrollWheelEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event
fromPoint: (CGPoint fromPoint
toPoint: (CGPoint toPoint 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space intercepted a scroll wheel event.

spaceThe plot space.
eventThe native event.
fromPointThe The starting point in the host view.
toPointThe The ending point in the host view.
Whether the plot space should handle the event or not. In either case, the delegate may choose to take extra actions, or handle the event itself.

◆ plotSpace:shouldScaleBy:aboutPoint:

- (BOOL) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
shouldScaleBy: (CGFloat interactionScale
aboutPoint: (CGPoint interactionPoint 

(Optional) Informs the receiver that it should uniformly scale (e.g., in response to a pinch gesture).

spaceThe plot space.
interactionScaleThe scaling factor.
interactionPointThe coordinates of the scaling centroid.
YES if the gesture should be handled by the plot space, and NO if not. In either case, the delegate may choose to take extra actions, or handle the scaling itself.

◆ plotSpace:willChangePlotRangeTo:forCoordinate:

- (nullable CPTPlotRange *) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
willChangePlotRangeTo: (nonnull CPTPlotRange *)  newRange
forCoordinate: (CPTCoordinate coordinate 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space is going to change a plot range.

spaceThe plot space.
newRangeThe proposed new plot range.
coordinateThe coordinate of the range.
The new plot range to be used.

◆ plotSpace:willDisplaceBy:

- (CGPoint) plotSpace: (nonnull CPTPlotSpace *)  space
willDisplaceBy: (CGPoint proposedDisplacementVector 

(Optional) Notifies that plot space is going to scroll.

spaceThe plot space.
proposedDisplacementVectorThe proposed amount by which the plot space will shift.
The displacement actually applied.

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