Core Plot (macOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
<CPTScatterPlotDelegate> Protocol Reference

Scatter plot delegate. More...

#import <CPTScatterPlot.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <CPTScatterPlotDelegate>:
+ Collaboration diagram for <CPTScatterPlotDelegate>:

Public Instance Methods

Data Point Selection
(void) - scatterPlot:plotSymbolWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:plotSymbolWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchDownAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was pressed. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was pressed. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchUpAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was released. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was released. More...
Data Line Selection
(void) - scatterPlotDataLineWasSelected:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was both pressed and released on the plot line. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:dataLineWasSelectedWithEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was both pressed and released on the plot line. More...
(void) - scatterPlotDataLineTouchDown:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was pressed while over the plot line. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:dataLineTouchDownWithEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was pressed while over the plot line. More...
(void) - scatterPlotDataLineTouchUp:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was released while over the plot line. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:dataLineTouchUpWithEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was released while over the plot line. More...
(void) - scatterPlot:prepareForDrawingPlotLine:inContext:
 (Optional) Gives the delegate an opportunity to do something just before the plot line will be drawn. A common operation is to draw a selection indicator for the plot line. This is called after the plot fill has been drawn. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <CPTPlotDelegate>
(void) - plot:dataLabelWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label was both pressed and released. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchDownAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label was pressed. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label was pressed. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchUpAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label was released. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label was released. More...
(void) - didFinishDrawing:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that plot drawing is finished. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Detailed Description

Scatter plot delegate.

Method Documentation

◆ scatterPlot:dataLineTouchDownWithEvent:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
dataLineTouchDownWithEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was pressed while over the plot line.

plotThe scatter plot.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ scatterPlot:dataLineTouchUpWithEvent:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
dataLineTouchUpWithEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was released while over the plot line.

plotThe scatter plot.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ scatterPlot:dataLineWasSelectedWithEvent:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
dataLineWasSelectedWithEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was both pressed and released on the plot line.

plotThe scatter plot.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchDownAtRecordIndex:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
plotSymbolTouchDownAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was pressed.

plotThe scatter plot.
idxThe index of the clicked data point.

◆ scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
plotSymbolTouchDownAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was pressed.

plotThe scatter plot.
idxThe index of the clicked data point.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchUpAtRecordIndex:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
plotSymbolTouchUpAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was released.

plotThe scatter plot.
idxThe index of the clicked data point.

◆ scatterPlot:plotSymbolTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
plotSymbolTouchUpAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was released.

plotThe scatter plot.
idxThe index of the clicked data point.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ scatterPlot:plotSymbolWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
plotSymbolWasSelectedAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was both pressed and released.

plotThe scatter plot.
idxThe index of the clicked data point.

◆ scatterPlot:plotSymbolWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
plotSymbolWasSelectedAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a data point was both pressed and released.

plotThe scatter plot.
idxThe index of the clicked data point.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ scatterPlot:prepareForDrawingPlotLine:inContext:

- (void) scatterPlot: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot
prepareForDrawingPlotLine: (nonnull CGPathRef dataLinePath
inContext: (nonnull CGContextRef context 

(Optional) Gives the delegate an opportunity to do something just before the plot line will be drawn. A common operation is to draw a selection indicator for the plot line. This is called after the plot fill has been drawn.

plotThe scatter plot.
dataLinePathThe CGPath describing the plot line that is about to be drawn.
contextThe graphics context in which the plot line will be drawn.

◆ scatterPlotDataLineTouchDown:

- (void) scatterPlotDataLineTouchDown: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot

(Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was pressed while over the plot line.

plotThe scatter plot.

◆ scatterPlotDataLineTouchUp:

- (void) scatterPlotDataLineTouchUp: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot

(Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was released while over the plot line.

plotThe scatter plot.

◆ scatterPlotDataLineWasSelected:

- (void) scatterPlotDataLineWasSelected: (nonnull CPTScatterPlot *)  plot

(Optional) Informs the delegate that the mouse was both pressed and released on the plot line.

plotThe scatter plot.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: