Core Plot (iOS and tvOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
<CPTPieChartDelegate> Protocol Reference

Pie chart delegate. More...

#import <CPTPieChart.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <CPTPieChartDelegate>:
+ Collaboration diagram for <CPTPieChartDelegate>:

Public Instance Methods

Slice Selection
(void) - pieChart:sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice received both the touch down and up events. More...
(void) - pieChart:sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice received both the touch down and up events. More...
(void) - pieChart:sliceTouchDownAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch started. More...
(void) - pieChart:sliceTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch started. More...
(void) - pieChart:sliceTouchUpAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch ended. More...
(void) - pieChart:sliceTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch ended. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <CPTPlotDelegate>
(void) - plot:dataLabelWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label received both the touch down and up events. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label received both the touch down and up events. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchDownAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label touch started. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label touch started. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchUpAtRecordIndex:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label touch ended. More...
(void) - plot:dataLabelTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that a data label touch ended. More...
(void) - didFinishDrawing:
 (Optional) Informs the delegate that plot drawing is finished. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Detailed Description

Pie chart delegate.

Method Documentation

◆ pieChart:sliceTouchDownAtRecordIndex:

- (void) pieChart: (nonnull CPTPieChart *)  plot
sliceTouchDownAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch started.

plotThe pie chart.
idxThe index of the touched pie slice.

◆ pieChart:sliceTouchDownAtRecordIndex:withEvent:

- (void) pieChart: (nonnull CPTPieChart *)  plot
sliceTouchDownAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch started.

plotThe pie chart.
idxThe index of the touched pie slice.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ pieChart:sliceTouchUpAtRecordIndex:

- (void) pieChart: (nonnull CPTPieChart *)  plot
sliceTouchUpAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch ended.

plotThe pie chart.
idxThe index of the touched pie slice.

◆ pieChart:sliceTouchUpAtRecordIndex:withEvent:

- (void) pieChart: (nonnull CPTPieChart *)  plot
sliceTouchUpAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice touch ended.

plotThe pie chart.
idxThe index of the touched pie slice.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

◆ pieChart:sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:

- (void) pieChart: (nonnull CPTPieChart *)  plot
sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice received both the touch down and up events.

plotThe pie chart.
idxThe index of the touched pie slice.

◆ pieChart:sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex:withEvent:

- (void) pieChart: (nonnull CPTPieChart *)  plot
sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex: (NSUInteger idx
withEvent: (nonnull CPTNativeEvent *)  event 

(Optional) Informs the delegate that a pie slice received both the touch down and up events.

plotThe pie chart.
idxThe index of the touched pie slice.
eventThe event that triggered the selection.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: