Core Plot (macOS)
Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS
CCPTAnimation | The controller for Core Plot animations |
CCPTAnimation(CPTAnimationPeriodAdditions) | |
C<CPTAnimationDelegate> | Animation delegate |
CCPTAnimationOperation | Describes all aspects of an animation operation, including the value range, duration, animation curve, property to update, and the delegate |
CCPTAnimationPeriod | Animation timing information and animated values |
CCPTAnimationPeriod(AbstractMethods) | CPTAnimationPeriod abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTAnnotation | An annotation positions a content layer relative to some anchor point |
CCPTAnnotation(AbstractMethods) | CPTAnnotation abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTAnnotationHostLayer | A container layer for annotations |
CCPTAxis | An abstract axis class |
CCPTAxis(AbstractMethods) | CPTAxis abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
C<CPTAxisDelegate> | Axis labeling delegate |
CCPTAxisLabel | An axis label |
CCPTAxisLabelGroup | A container layer for the axis labels |
CCPTAxisSet | A container layer for the set of axes for a graph |
CCPTAxisTitle | An axis title |
CCPTBarPlot | A two-dimensional bar plot |
C<CPTBarPlotDataSource> | A bar plot data source |
C<CPTBarPlotDelegate> | Bar plot delegate |
CCPTBorderedLayer | A layer with a border line and background fill |
CCPTCalendarFormatter | A number formatter that converts calendar intervals to dates |
CCPTColor | An immutable color |
CCPTColorSpace | An immutable color space |
CCPTConstraints | Implements a one-dimensional constrained position within a given numeric range |
CCPTConstraints(AbstractMethods) | CPTConstraints abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
C<CPTDebugQuickLook> | Methods used to show QuickLook previews of objects in the Xcode debugger and Swift playgrounds |
CCPTDecimalNumberValueTransformer | A Cocoa Bindings value transformer for NSDecimalNumber objects |
CCPTEdgeInsets | Edge inset distances for stretchable images |
CCPTFill | Draws area fills |
CCPTFill(AbstractMethods) | CPTFill abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTFunctionDataSource | A datasource class that automatically creates scatter plot data from a function or Objective-C block |
CCPTGradient | Draws color gradient fills |
CCPTGradientElement | A structure representing one node in a linked list of RGBA colors |
CCPTGraph | An abstract graph class |
CCPTGraph(AbstractFactoryMethods) | CPTGraph abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTGraphHostingView | A container view for displaying a CPTGraph |
CCPTGridLineGroup | A group of grid line layers |
CCPTGridLines | An abstract class that draws grid lines for an axis |
CCPTImage | A bitmap image |
CCPTImage(CPTPlatformSpecificImageExtensions) | Platform-specific extensions to CPTImage |
CCPTLayer | Base class for all Core Animation layers in Core Plot |
CCPTLayer(CPTPlatformSpecificLayerExtensions) | Platform-specific extensions to CPTLayer |
CCPTLayerAnnotation | Positions a content layer relative to an anchor point in a reference layer |
C<CPTLayerDelegate> | Layer delegate |
CCPTLegend | A graph legend |
C<CPTLegendDelegate> | Legend delegate |
CCPTLegendEntry | A graph legend entry |
CCPTLimitBand | Defines a range and fill used to highlight a band of data |
CCPTLineCap | End cap decorations for lines |
CCPTLineStyle | Immutable wrapper for various line drawing properties. Create a CPTMutableLineStyle if you want to customize properties |
CCPTMutableLineStyle | Mutable wrapper for various line drawing properties |
CCPTMutableNumericData | An annotated NSMutableData type |
CCPTMutableNumericData(TypeConversion) | Type conversion methods for CPTMutableNumericData |
CCPTMutablePlotRange | Defines a mutable range of plot data |
CCPTMutableShadow | Mutable wrapper for various shadow drawing properties |
CCPTMutableTextStyle | Mutable wrapper for text style properties |
CCPTMutableTextStyle(CPTPlatformSpecificMutableTextStyleExtensions) | |
CCPTNumericData | An annotated NSData type |
CCPTNumericData(TypeConversion) | Type conversion methods for CPTNumericData |
CCPTNumericDataType | Structure that describes the encoding of numeric data samples |
CCPTPieChart | A pie chart |
C<CPTPieChartDataSource> | A pie chart data source |
C<CPTPieChartDelegate> | Pie chart delegate |
CCPTPlot | An abstract plot class |
CCPTPlot(AbstractMethods) | CPTPlot abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTPlotArea | A layer representing the actual plotting area of a graph |
C<CPTPlotAreaDelegate> | Plot area delegate |
CCPTPlotAreaFrame | A layer drawn on top of the graph layer and behind all plot elements |
C<CPTPlotDataSource> | A plot data source |
C<CPTPlotDelegate> | Plot delegate |
CCPTPlotGroup | Defines the coordinate system of a plot |
CCPTPlotRange | Defines an immutable range of plot data |
CCPTPlotSpace | Defines the coordinate system of a plot |
CCPTPlotSpace(AbstractMethods) | CPTPlotSpace abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTPlotSpaceAnnotation | Positions a content layer relative to some anchor point in a plot space |
C<CPTPlotSpaceDelegate> | Plot space delegate |
CCPTPlotSymbol | Plot symbols for CPTScatterPlot |
CCPTRangePlot | A plot class representing a range of values in one coordinate, such as typically used to show errors. A range plot can show bars (error bars), or an area fill, or both |
C<CPTRangePlotDataSource> | A range plot data source |
C<CPTRangePlotDelegate> | Range plot delegate |
C<CPTResponder> | The basis of all event processing in Core Plot |
CCPTRGBAColor | RGBA color for gradients |
CCPTScatterPlot | A two-dimensional scatter plot |
C<CPTScatterPlotDataSource> | A scatter plot data source |
C<CPTScatterPlotDelegate> | Scatter plot delegate |
CCPTShadow | Immutable wrapper for various shadow drawing properties |
CCPTTextLayer | A Core Animation layer that displays text drawn in a uniform style |
CCPTTextStyle | Immutable wrapper for various text style properties |
CCPTTextStyle(CPTPlatformSpecificTextStyleExtensions) | Platform-specific extensions to CPTTextStyle |
CCPTTheme | Creates a CPTGraph instance formatted with a predefined style |
CCPTTheme(AbstractMethods) | CPTTheme abstract methods—must be overridden by subclasses |
CCPTTimeFormatter | A number formatter that converts time intervals to dates. Useful for formatting labels on an axis. If you choose the numerical scale of the plot space to be in seconds, axis labels can be directly generated by setting a CPTTimeFormatter as the labelFormatter and/or minorTickLabelFormatter |
CCPTTradingRangePlot | A trading range financial plot |
C<CPTTradingRangePlotDataSource> | A trading range plot data source |
C<CPTTradingRangePlotDelegate> | Trading range plot delegate |
CCPTXYAxis | A 2-dimensional cartesian (X-Y) axis class |
CCPTXYAxisSet | A set of cartesian (X-Y) axes |
CCPTXYGraph | A graph using a cartesian (X-Y) plot space |
CCPTXYPlotSpace | A plot space using a two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system |
CNSAttributedString(CPTPlatformSpecificAttributedStringExtensions) | NSAttributedString extensions for drawing styled text |
CNSCoder(CPTExtensions) | Core Plot extensions to NSCoder |
CNSDecimalNumber(CPTExtensions) | Core Plot extensions to NSDecimalNumber |
CNSNumber(CPTExtensions) | Core Plot extensions to NSNumber |
CNSObject(CPTDebugQuickLookExtension) | Debugging extensions to NSObject |
CNSString(CPTTextStyleExtensions) | NSString extensions for drawing styled text |